This roughly halves time spent in that pass,
while unsurprisingly significantly reducing total memory usage.
This makes sense because most functions won't use any openmp functions..
0.2329 ( 0.5%) 0.0409 ( 0.9%) 0.2738 ( 0.5%) 0.2736 ( 0.5%) OpenMP specific optimizations
total runtime: 63.32s. bytes allocated in total (ignoring deallocations): 8.34GB (131.70MB/s) calls to allocation functions: 14526259 (229410/s) temporary memory allocations: 3335760 (52680/s) peak heap memory consumption: 324.36MB peak RSS (including heaptrack overhead): 5.39GB total memory leaked: 289.93MB
0.1457 ( 0.3%) 0.0276 ( 0.6%) 0.1732 ( 0.3%) 0.1731 ( 0.3%) OpenMP specific optimizations
total runtime: 55.01s. bytes allocated in total (ignoring deallocations): 6.70GB (121.89MB/s) calls to allocation functions: 14268205 (259398/s) temporary memory allocations: 3225355 (58637/s) peak heap memory consumption: 324.09MB peak RSS (including heaptrack overhead): 5.39GB total memory leaked: 289.87MB
total runtime: -8.31s. bytes allocated in total (ignoring deallocations): -1.63GB (196.58MB/s) calls to allocation functions: -258054 (31034/s) temporary memory allocations: -110405 (13277/s) peak heap memory consumption: -262.36KB peak RSS (including heaptrack overhead): 0B total memory leaked: -61.45KB