As discussed in D65148 (
$ cat /tmp/test.c int a(); int b(); int c(int d) { return (d < 0) ? a() : b(); } $ ./bin/clang -o - -S -g0 -O3 /tmp/test.c -mllvm -print-after-all -mllvm -debug -mllvm -stats 2>&1 | tail -n 76 # End machine code for function c. ********** COUNT MACHINE INSTRUCTIONS: c ********** Found conditional branch instruction: JCC_1 %bb.1, 8, implicit $eflags Found unconditional branch instruction: TAILJMPd64 @b, <regmask $bh $bl $bp $bph $bpl $bx $ebp $ebx $hbp $hbx $rbp $rbx $r12 $r13 $r14 $r15 $r12b $r13b $r14b $r15b $r12bh $r13bh $r14bh $r15bh $r12d $r13d $r14d $r15d $r12w $r13w $r14w $r15w $r12wh and 3 more...>, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit killed $al Found unconditional branch instruction: TAILJMPd64 @a, <regmask $bh $bl $bp $bph $bpl $bx $ebp $ebx $hbp $hbx $rbp $rbx $r12 $r13 $r14 $r15 $r12b $r13b $r14b $r15b $r12bh $r13bh $r14bh $r15bh $r12d $r13d $r14d $r15d $r12w $r13w $r14w $r15w $r12wh and 3 more...>, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit killed $al discovered a new reachable node %bb.0 discovered a new reachable node %bb.1 discovered a new reachable node %bb.2 .text .file "test.c" .globl c # -- Begin function c .p2align 4, 0x90 .type c,@function c: # @c .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: # %entry xorl %eax, %eax testl %edi, %edi js .LBB0_1 # %bb.2: # %cond.false jmp b # TAILCALL .LBB0_1: # %cond.true jmp a # TAILCALL .Lfunc_end0: .size c, .Lfunc_end0-c .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "clang version 10.0.0 ( 1cf013a6519b38fdc585e35bf241c069431be4ca)" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig ===-------------------------------------------------------------------------=== ... Statistics Collected ... ===-------------------------------------------------------------------------=== 5 asm-printer - Number of machine instrs printed 1 branch-folder - Number of times common instructions are hoisted 1 cgscc-passmgr - Maximum CGSCCPassMgr iterations on one SCC 2 codegenprepare - Number of return instructions duplicated 4 dagcombine - Number of dag nodes combined 3 globalopt - Number of globals marked unnamed_addr 2 instcombine - Number of insts combined 3 isel - Number of blocks selected using DAG 14 isel - Number of times dag isel has to try another path 1 isel - Number of entry blocks encountered 1 machine-scheduler - Number of instr pairs fused 1 mem2reg - Number of alloca's promoted with a single store 1 prologepilog - Number of functions seen in PEI 1 regalloc - Number of registers assigned 2 regalloc - Number of instructions deleted by DCE 1 regalloc - Number of identity moves eliminated after rewriting 2 regalloc - Number of instructions re-materialized 2 regalloc - Number of shrinkToUses called 2 regalloc - Number of cross class joins performed 2 regalloc - Number of interval joins performed 1 shrink-wrap - Number of functions 1 sroa - Maximum number of partitions per alloca 2 sroa - Maximum number of uses of a partition 2 sroa - Number of alloca partition uses rewritten 1 sroa - Number of alloca partitions formed 1 sroa - Number of allocas analyzed for replacement 2 sroa - Number of instructions deleted 1 sroa - Number of allocas promoted to SSA values 1 stackmaps - Number of functions skipped 1 stackmaps - Number of functions visited 2 x86-isel - Number of tail calls 1 x86-mi-counting - Number of conditional branch instructions 3 x86-mi-counting - Number of machine basic blocks 1 x86-mi-counting - Number of machine functions 5 x86-mi-counting - Number of machine instructions 2 x86-mi-counting - Number of unconditional branch instructions