Was trying to understand how complicated it would be to write
a clang-tidy openmp-exception-escape-ish check once D57100 lands.
Just so it happens, all the data is already there,
it is just conveniently omitted from AST dump.
| Differential D57452
[ASTDumper][OpenMP] CapturedDecl has a 'nothrow' bit ClosedPublic Authored by lebedev.ri on Jan 30 2019, 7:31 AM.
Details Summary Was trying to understand how complicated it would be to write Just so it happens, all the data is already there,
Diff Detail
Event TimelineThis revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 30 2019, 7:33 AM Closed by commit rL352631: [ASTDumper][OpenMP] CapturedDecl has a 'nothrow' bit (authored by lebedevri). · Explain WhyJan 30 2019, 7:42 AM This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. lebedev.ri added a child revision: D57594: [AST][OpenMP] OpenMP single Construct contains Structured block.Feb 1 2019, 9:37 AM lebedev.ri added a child revision: D57615: [AST][OpenMP] OpenMP master Construct contains Structured block.Feb 1 2019, 1:05 PM
Revision Contents
Diff 184298 lib/AST/ASTDumper.cpp