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[ASTDump] Mark null params with a tag rather than a child node

Authored by steveire on Jan 15 2019, 3:46 PM.

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steveire created this revision.Jan 15 2019, 3:46 PM

Do we have any test coverage for this change? IIRC, this was one we couldn't figure out how to trigger?


Extra whitespace at the start of the string literal, or is that intentional? Also, do we want to standardize on <<<NULL>>> with three brackets instead of two?


You can drop getNumParams() here -- if param_begin() returns a non-null value, getNumParams() must return a non-zero value.

(param_begin() is implemented in terms of parameters(), which calls getNumParams() when setting up the returned ArrayRef.)

aaron.ballman added inline comments.Jan 16 2019, 5:30 AM

Ah, I understand the whitespace now, so that was intentional I believe. Question remains about whether we want to also switch to use <<< consistently remains though.

aaron.ballman added inline comments.Jan 17 2019, 7:21 AM

It seems that this is needed because the situation can arise when the function is not fully constructed yet, such as when calling dump() under the debugger.

I think this can be more clearly expressed as if (!D->param_empty() && !D->param_begin()), but should also have some comments explaining that this is guarding against a situation that only comes up while debugging, and thus is not covered by any existing test cases.

steveire updated this revision to Diff 182476.Jan 18 2019, 1:49 AM
steveire marked an inline comment as done.


aaron.ballman accepted this revision.Jan 18 2019, 5:52 AM

With bracket and comment changes, LGTM. No need for tests on this one because the scenario changed can only occur during debugging.


Re-flow comments to 80-col.


Let's make this <<<NULL params x blah>>> with three brackets instead of two.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 18 2019, 5:52 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.