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python compat - print statement

Authored by serge-sans-paille on Jan 3 2019, 3:18 AM.

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Can you please submit the google benchmark diff separately, and submit it upstream at the same time, please?

michaelplatings requested changes to this revision.Jan 3 2019, 5:23 AM
michaelplatings added inline comments.

missing underscore

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jan 3 2019, 5:23 AM

@lebedev.ri : it turns out the only print statement in the two files involved in gbench only have one argument, and they already have the required parethesis. This means that as such, even without the import from future, they work the same in Python2 and Python3. So I will just remove these imports to avoid extra noise.

serge-sans-paille marked an inline comment as done.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 3 2019, 6:04 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.