This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[Power9] Add six __float128 builtins found in gcc

Authored by stefanp on Jun 23 2018, 5:49 PM.



The following 6 builtins are found in GCC:

__float128 __builtin_infq (void)
__float128 __builtin_huge_valq (void)
__float128 __builtin_nanq (void)
__float128 __builtin_nansq (void)
__float128 __builtin_fabsq (__float128)
__float128 __builtin_copysignq (__float128, __float128)

This patch adds them to clang as well.
They should do the exact same thing as the f128 version of the same builtin. (So, float128 builtin_nanq (void) should behave the same way as float128 builtin_nanf128 (void)).
The reason for adding these builtins is to support code that uses the initial GCC naming for them.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

stefanp created this revision.Jun 23 2018, 5:49 PM
stefanp abandoned this revision.Jul 10 2018, 6:55 PM

We have determined that we do not require these builtin names.