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[ScopInfo] Remove usage of isl_set_n_basic_set()

Authored by cs15btech11044 on May 16 2018, 4:33 AM.



This patch aims to remove the usage of old C-styled isl functions (in this case isl_set_n_basic_set()) in favor of new C++ isl interface based methods in ScopInfo.cpp.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

cs15btech11044 created this revision.May 16 2018, 4:33 AM
philip.pfaffe added inline comments.

Why change this?


No auto here please. DenseMap::operator[] returns a reference, so this is actually dangerous.

cs15btech11044 added inline comments.May 16 2018, 4:49 AM

The patch is partially incorrect. This change shouldn't be present. It will be rectified.


Okay, sure.

philip.pfaffe accepted this revision.May 16 2018, 5:04 AM

LGTM, thanks!

Do you need help committing this?

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 16 2018, 5:04 AM

Very cool. Thanks for moving this forward.

Yes, @philip.pfaffe.
I do not currently have commit access as of now.
Could you please commit it on my behalf with an annotation mentioning the contributor?

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.