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Xray, OpenBSD support

Authored by devnexen on Mar 31 2018, 10:43 AM.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

devnexen created this revision.Mar 31 2018, 10:43 AM
dberris accepted this revision.Apr 2 2018, 10:01 PM

LGTM -- at some point, it would be good to refactor all these flag settings to a single place. Maybe file a bug so that we can track that issue on XRay? If you can't do it now, I'd be happy to do it later on.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 2 2018, 10:01 PM

LGTM -- at some point, it would be good to refactor all these flag settings to a single place. Maybe file a bug so that we can track that issue on XRay? If you can't do it now, I'd be happy to do it later on.

I do not have access to the bug tracker (yet) you can if you wish (I guess it s adding it in the "Common" driver ?

LGTM -- at some point, it would be good to refactor all these flag settings to a single place. Maybe file a bug so that we can track that issue on XRay? If you can't do it now, I'd be happy to do it later on.

I do not have access to the bug tracker (yet) you can if you wish (I guess it s adding it in the "Common" driver ?


dberris added inline comments.Apr 3 2018, 4:23 AM

I just noticed this, you probably want to format this part with clang-format (or just move the T of the second line one space, to align with the T on the previous line.

devnexen updated this revision to Diff 140762.Apr 3 2018, 5:06 AM


Nice ! The NetBSD version will benefit it as well (not sure it s really done in the frontend side).

dberris accepted this revision.Apr 3 2018, 5:10 AM

LGTM -- I'll defer to @brad on confirming and landing.

Just realised he s not active since February, hopes it will make it somehow :-)

Do you need to have someone land this for you, or can you land it yourself? If @brad isn't able to get to it anytime soon, then I'm happy for this to land either way.

Yes I can t land anything myself :-) thanks !