This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Use protected visibility in llvm
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by espindola on Dec 13 2017, 12:03 PM.



This should probably not be committed until it is easy to compile a program that uses a library with protected visibility.

This works for llvm's own programs because they are compiled with -fPIC.

On the particular machine I tested this in check-llvm wall time went from 58.32s to 51.30s. The task-clock reported by perf went from 1114528.526654 ms to 933402.530481ms, or about 3 minutes less.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

rafael created this revision.Dec 13 2017, 12:03 PM
espindola commandeered this revision.Mar 6 2018, 5:16 PM
espindola added a reviewer: rafael.
espindola edited reviewers, added: espindola; removed: rafael.Mar 15 2018, 8:40 AM