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X86-specific path: Implemented the fusing of MUL+SUBADD to FMSUBADD

Authored by Quolyk on Nov 22 2017, 1:24 AM.



This is my first attempt to contribute to llvm. I'm trying to implement this MUL+ADDSUB to FMADDSUB was implemented here I'm looking for help now.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

Quolyk created this revision.Nov 22 2017, 1:24 AM
craig.topper added inline comments.Nov 22 2017, 1:05 PM

Rename to isFMAddSubOrFMSubAdd?


Should just return SDValue() here no matter the type. We can't create a X86ISD::SUBADD, there's no such instruction.


Maybe merge this with isAddSub by passing a bool value to indicate which one you're looking for. Then you just need to factor that bool into the code that detects the FSUB/FADD

204 ↗(On Diff #123884)

There's no such instruction as SUBADD that doesn't include the multiply. So we shouldn't be adding this opcode.

Quolyk updated this revision to Diff 124128.Nov 23 2017, 11:15 PM
Quolyk edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Updated diff according to code review. I need some help with documenting updated functions

craig.topper edited edge metadata.Nov 25 2017, 12:17 PM

Is this really testing both ways of doing this? There's one from shuffles and one from build_vector.

According to the coverage build bot, the build_vector path of fmaddsub isn't tested today.


Rename to isAddSubOrSubAdd?


Call this matchSubAdd instead of isSubAdd.


This should probably be "ADDSUB, FMADDSUB, or FMSUBADD"

Quolyk updated this revision to Diff 124367.Nov 27 2017, 6:19 AM
Quolyk added inline comments.Nov 28 2017, 4:30 AM

I added that if statement, but I have problems testing this, specifically I don't know how to test this

Is this really testing both ways of doing this? There's one from shuffles and one from build_vector.

According to the coverage build bot, the build_vector path of fmaddsub isn't tested today.

Lol, I added inline comment to that code, but didn't submit comment. Indeed, this isn't tested and I don't know how to do it.

Can you just remove the untested part? I'll add a TODO to the existing untested code indicating that it isn't tested.

Quolyk updated this revision to Diff 126897.Dec 13 2017, 10:58 PM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 17 2017, 11:00 AM

I don't have commit access, please commit.

Quolyk retitled this revision from [WIP] X86-specific path: Implemented the fusing of MUL+SUBADD to FMSUBADD to X86-specific path: Implemented the fusing of MUL+SUBADD to FMSUBADD.Dec 17 2017, 10:34 PM

Sorry missed your previous comment. Will do.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.