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[mips][mips16] Fix asmstring of Ext and Ins instructions and mips16 JALRC and JRC

Authored by mstojanovic on Sep 21 2017, 10:43 AM.



Make the print format consistent with other assembler instructions.

Adding a tab character instead of space in asmstring of Ext and Ins instructions.
Removing space around the tab character for JALRC and replacing space with tab in JRC.

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Event Timeline

mstojanovic created this revision.Sep 21 2017, 10:43 AM
sdardis accepted this revision.Sep 21 2017, 1:48 PM

LGTM with a test. You can use FileCheck's -strict-whitespace to get FileCheck to treat ' ' and '\t' differently, also you can modify/copy test/CodeGen/Mips/helloworld.ll for the mips16 case.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 21 2017, 1:48 PM
mstojanovic retitled this revision from [mips][mips16] Fix asmstring of Ext and Ins instructions and mips16 JALRC to [mips][mips16] Fix asmstring of Ext and Ins instructions and mips16 JALRC and JRC.
mstojanovic edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Added -strict-whitespace tests.

Rebased changes.

LGTM still, just add the comment I've placed inline on commit.


Add a comment to this test specifying that is testing whitespace in case someone misses the -strict-whitespace in the FileCheck invocation.

Added a comment to the test.

mstojanovic marked an inline comment as done.Nov 24 2017, 8:18 AM
mstojanovic edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Nov 27 2017, 6:23 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.