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Improve StringMap iterator support.

Authored by zturner on Mar 20 2017, 10:47 PM.



Make the two StringMap iterators support iterator_facade_base. This fixes some usage scenarios when passing begin and end to various STL algorithms. After doing that, it's easy to make a StringMapKeysIterator that only iterates keys, so I've done that as well.

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zturner created this revision.Mar 20 2017, 10:47 PM
dblaikie edited edge metadata.Mar 21 2017, 8:03 AM

Seems weird to have 'keys' on a StringSet, perhaps? (& to test StringSet in the StringMap unit test - as much as I realize the two types are very closely related)

Also, I'm wondering if keys() is necessary even on StringMap - I'd have thought a general-purpose "iterator of the first element of a pair" would suffice, but then remembered that StringMaps are special and their values are not pair<key, value> but have special accessors for the key, etc. So perhaps a lambda-driven iterator adapter... at which point, yeah, I can understand the utility of having that wrapped up in a reusable form.

255 ↗(On Diff #92433)

most of the other "iterator pair or range" algorithms use the same name for both (eg: all the llvm::any/all/none_of clones that take a range use the same name) - maybe use the same name here too ('join' rather than 'join_range') unless that causes some ambiguities?

Also - this seems like an unrelated change for this patch (& arguably could use test coverage if it is going to be committed). Guess maybe it slipped into this change.


Generally it's advised that any op overload that can be a non-member should be, to allow equal implicit conversions on both sides. (it can still be a friend, though:

friend bool operator==(LHS, RHS) { return LHS.Ptr == RHS.Ptr; }

op* that returns by value - does that cause problems for op->? I forget...

38 ↗(On Diff #92433)

In retrospect, maybe this function should be called To(Small)Vector? (Since there's no standard library function it's trying to emulate, etc - and it actually produces a SmallVector, not a std::vector, so the name is a bit vague/misleading (& makes the int non-type template parameter unclear/confusing))

zturner added inline comments.Mar 21 2017, 8:13 AM
255 ↗(On Diff #92433)

Yea I almost called it join, but then saw that we have join and join_items so join_range seemed to fit nicely. That said, join_items was introduced because of an ambiguity with join, but join_range won't have that ambiguity, so we could still call it join.


Should be fine, the StringRef should live until the end of the sequence point.

zturner updated this revision to Diff 92507.Mar 21 2017, 10:13 AM
  1. Fixed issue with returning by value from operator*.
  2. Moved the test from Support to ADT, since there was already an existing StringMapTest class there that I hadn't noticed.
  3. Removed the join changes that had snuck in. I'll commit those separately.
dblaikie accepted this revision.Mar 21 2017, 10:25 AM

Some optional bits/pieces. (also - could include test coverage for op->. Or perhaps better/alternatively: put a static_assert in iterator_adapter_base to ensure that the return type of op* is a reference type?)


Not sure this test is necessary (I mean, depending on your perspective) - since it's testing the same API in StringMap that's inherited by StringSet - there's no new/interesting code under test here, compared to the previous test.

(should StringSet's iterators actually be key iterators, rather than a 'keys()' operation on a set, which doesn't quite make sense - it only has keys, no values, so why would there be two different ranges to iterate over?)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 21 2017, 10:25 AM
zturner added inline comments.Mar 21 2017, 10:29 AM

Not sure this test is necessary (I mean, depending on your perspective) - since it's testing the same API in StringMap that's inherited by StringSet - there's no new/interesting code under test here, compared to the previous test.

True, but the same could be set for join_range vs join in the other patch. It doesn't matter to me either way though.

should StringSet's iterators actually be key iterators, rather than a 'keys()' operation on a set, which doesn't quite make sense - it only has keys, no values, so why would there be two different ranges to iterate over

I could rename the function in StringSet by bringing keys() into protected scope with a using declaration, then make a function in StringSet called values() which simply returns the result of keys(). Thoughts?

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.