Current internal option -static-func-full-module-prefix strips all the directory path the profile counter names for static functions. The default of this option is true. This is problematic:
(1) it creates linker errors for profile-generation compilation, exposed in our
internal benchmarks. We are seeing messages like
"warning: relocation refers to discarded section".
This is due to the name conflicts after the stripping.
(2) the stripping only applies to getPGOFuncName. This can create inconsistency in thin-lto's static promotion, which in turn causes problems in thin-lto's indirect-call-promotion (missing targets).
This patch turns the default value for -static-func-full-module-prefix to false.
The second part of the patch is to have an alternative implementation under the internal option -static-func-strip-dirname-prefix=<value>
This options specifies level of directories to be stripped from the source
filename. Using a large value as the parameter has the same effect as
We plan to retire -static-func-full-module-prefix in the future.