This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

add cxa_demangle_fuzzer

Authored by kcc on Dec 27 2016, 5:53 PM.



All easy-to-find bugs in cxa_demangle where fixed now
except for one (
Now I'd like to properly integrate this fuzzer with the source tree
and then run the fuzzer continuously on

Event Timeline

kcc updated this revision to Diff 82570.Dec 27 2016, 5:53 PM
kcc retitled this revision from to add cxa_demangle_fuzzer.
kcc updated this object.
kcc added reviewers: compnerd, mehdi_amini, mclow.lists.
kcc added a subscriber: cfe-commits.
mehdi_amini added inline comments.Dec 27 2016, 6:32 PM

This is a dependency on libLLVMSupport right? Why is this needed?

kcc updated this revision to Diff 82571.Dec 27 2016, 6:57 PM

remove unneeded set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS support)

kcc marked an inline comment as done.Dec 27 2016, 6:58 PM

yes, removed.

mehdi_amini accepted this revision.Dec 27 2016, 7:37 PM
mehdi_amini edited edge metadata.


(I can't test because LLVM_USE_SANITIZE_COVERAGE seems broken on Darwin)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 27 2016, 7:37 PM
kcc closed this revision.Dec 27 2016, 7:39 PM