StringRef::getAsInteger() is our answer to the C-apis strtoll, strtoull, etc. Those functions have a signature that looks like this:
unsigned long long int strtoull (const char* str, char** endptr, int radix)
The second argument is (optionally) used to return the location in the input string where the returned number stopped. So, for example if you had a string such as `"23908234 Integers", then you could do the following:
const char * str = "23908234 Integers"; unsigned result = strtoul(str, &str, 10); // str == " Integers";
However, regardless of the second argument, these functions only assume that the input string begins with a number, whereas our getAsInteger functions consider it a failure unless the entire string is a number.
LLDB depends on the ability to extract integers from the beginning of strings quite commonly, and there is no good solution to this in LLVM presently. So I'm introducing the consumeInteger() function which consumes a number from the beginning of the string, failing only if the string does not BEGIN with a valid number of the specified radix, and upon success modifying the original StringRef to chop off the consumed portion. This is similar in spirit to how the consume_front() and consume_back() functions work.
getAsInteger() is updated to internally use the consume functions so that the logic is not duplicated, and unit tests are added for consume behavior.
Please indicate what true and false returns mean. Consider making them private if these aren't the droids a general user is looking for.