Hello everyone! It took me a bit to figure out that cxx-test-depends needed to be runtimes-test-depends and where/how to change that when using the libcxx-lit and thought that this little change might help!
hawkinsw retitled this revision from [libc] Add support for runtimes build in libcxx-lit to [libc++] Add support for runtimes build in libcxx-lit.Aug 4 2023, 8:15 AM
@philnik Sorry to bother by adding you as a reviewer. Based on this I thought you might have some input on this little tweak! Thank you for all that you are doing!
Since we're trying to move away from "runtimes" build and towards using the terminology "bootstapping" build, can we reflect that in the option name? Otherwise this looks like a good idea to me.
Since we're trying to move away from "runtimes" build and towards using the terminology "bootstapping" build, can we reflect that in the option name? Otherwise this looks like a good idea to me.
Updating to better use bootstrap instead of runtimes based on @ldionne's feedback!
hawkinsw retitled this revision from [libc++] Add support for runtimes build in libcxx-lit to [libc++] Add support for bootstrapping build in libcxx-lit.Aug 7 2023, 12:47 PM