This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Remove some includes that shouldn't be needed any longer

Authored by bjope on Apr 28 2023, 4:46 AM.



This remove a bunch of #include statements in Scalar.cpp. I do not
think those should be needed any longer (assuming that they once
upon a time possibly were needed for legacy PM C bindings, but
that is not supported any longer).

Also removing some other #include statements not needed any longer
due to deprecation of legacy PM.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

bjope created this revision.Apr 28 2023, 4:46 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptApr 28 2023, 4:46 AM
Herald added subscribers: hoy, hiraditya. · View Herald Transcript
bjope requested review of this revision.Apr 28 2023, 4:46 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptApr 28 2023, 4:46 AM
aeubanks accepted this revision.May 15 2023, 10:23 AM

if you're fairly certain these are correct, I'd say no need for a review for include cleanups in the future :)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 15 2023, 10:23 AM
bjope added a comment.May 16 2023, 7:10 AM

if you're fairly certain these are correct, I'd say no need for a review for include cleanups in the future :)

Ok. Thanks. I've pushed without review on some rare occasions, but usually prefer to get a second opinion to make sure I do not mess up things.
But I'll try to avoid taking up valuable time for those making lots of reviews in this project for trivial patches like this one.

I was slightly worried that I could have missed something with how the LLVM libs works (that removing things from Scalar.cpp could break something).
But since code compiles and check-all passes, then I guess that it should be fine.

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.May 16 2023, 7:11 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.