This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Add new vector types for 512-, 1024- and 2048-bit vectors

Authored by kparzysz on Nov 20 2015, 2:49 PM.



Add new vector types for 512-, 1024- and 2048-bit vectors

Those types are needed to implement instructions for Hexagon Vector Extensions (HVX): 16x32, 16x64, 32x16, 32x32, 32x64, 64x8, 64x16, 64x32, 128x8, 128x16, 256x8, 512x1, and 1024x1.

Diff Detail


Event Timeline

kparzysz updated this revision to Diff 40834.Nov 20 2015, 2:49 PM
kparzysz retitled this revision from to Add new vector types for 512-, 1024- and 2048-bit vectors.
kparzysz updated this object.
kparzysz added reviewers: echristo, qcolombet.
kparzysz set the repository for this revision to rL LLVM.
kparzysz updated this object.
kparzysz added a subscriber: llvm-commits.
kparzysz added inline comments.Nov 20 2015, 2:52 PM

This seems wrong. Should it be ValueType<8, ...> ?

Committed in r253923. It was urgent, so I didn't wait any longer.

kparzysz accepted this revision.Nov 23 2015, 2:07 PM
kparzysz added a reviewer: kparzysz.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 23 2015, 2:07 PM
echristo edited edge metadata.Nov 23 2015, 2:11 PM
echristo added a subscriber: echristo.

This is unacceptable. Once you've sent something out for review ... and
then not giving anyone notice. There's nothing urgent about this as it's
not a bug fix or anything similar. Please revert.



craig.topper added inline comments.

Realign the earlier comments so everything is nicely columned.


This only needs to be a multiple of 32 so 96 would be the next number not 128.


Please sort these by increasing scalar size like the existing orders. And only shorten the last line not one in the middle


Line up all the returns.


Line Up the earlier returns with the new one.


Line up the earlier returns with the new ones

echristo resigned from this revision.Nov 23 2015, 3:15 PM
echristo removed a reviewer: echristo.

Looks like Craig has this :)

kparzysz marked 6 inline comments as done.Nov 23 2015, 4:34 PM
kparzysz added inline comments.

What about this?

kparzysz updated this revision to Diff 40997.Nov 23 2015, 4:36 PM
kparzysz edited edge metadata.
craig.topper accepted this revision.Nov 23 2015, 9:48 PM
craig.topper added a reviewer: craig.topper.


Committed in r253978. Thanks!

kparzysz closed this revision.Jan 8 2016, 7:43 AM