This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[Diagnostic] printing name of uninitialized subobject instead of its type
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by simideveloper on Mar 25 2023, 12:53 AM.



here I am trying to solve the issue
by printing an uninitialized subobject name instead of its type

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

simideveloper created this revision.Mar 25 2023, 12:53 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptMar 25 2023, 12:53 AM
simideveloper requested review of this revision.Mar 25 2023, 12:53 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptMar 25 2023, 12:53 AM
junaire added a subscriber: junaire.

I don't have enough context on this patch, but obviously, there's something you can improve.

  1. You need to add a test, maybe somewhere in clang/test/Sema/
  2. Please make a detailed summary of your patch so reviewers know what's going on here. You can also link the GitHub issue.

Why delete these? Looks like unrelated changes.

BTW, does this patch overlaps with

I am an outreachy applicant and working on this issue for the past some weeks for my contribution on the community page till that time this issue was listed on the introductory issues list on the outreachy page I thought this issue is still open but was not aware of someone working sorry it's my bad if it's already solved.


I submitted another review for documentation on diagnostic in which I added these comments but it was not relevant so I removed it

can you please tell me if this issue is closed or I can work on making the changes you recommended?

simideveloper edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Mar 25 2023, 8:15 AM

Yeah I think was first and this patch doesn't add much over it, correct me if I'm wrong.

(Btw, if you no longer plan to work on a patch, it's considered good form to "abandon" the patch in Phabricator. You can do this by clicking the Add Action drop-down menu and selecting Abandon Changes.)

but I think this patch has not been accepted yet so you should give me a chance.

but I think this patch has not been accepted yet so you should give me a chance.

What we want to avoid is having reviewers review multiple patches trying to solve the same problem. At the end of the day, we are less concerned about *who* makes changes and are more concerned that the changes are properly reviewed, are correct, etc. So you should work with the other patch author to figure out who is doing what work or whether they need help collaborating on their patch.

okk thankyou sir

tbaeder resigned from this revision.Apr 26 2023, 12:56 AM