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[libcxx] <experimental/simd> Add ABI tags, class template simd/simd_mask implementations. Add related simd traits and tests.

Authored by Joy12138 on Feb 19 2023, 11:02 PM.



[libcxx] <experimental/simd> Add ABI tags, class template simd/simd_mask implementations.
[libcxx] <experimental/simd> Add traits is_abi_tag[_v], is_simd[_v] and is_simd_mask[_v].
[libcxx] <experimental/simd> Add related tests.

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@philnik @Mordante Thanks for your attention to this patch. I don't know how to reply to you all in the comment, so I wrote all replies here.

Thanks for working on this. Is N4808 voted in? I can only find a draft version.

It seems it is still draft. Should I continue to refer to this document, or which other version?

Why do you remove all of the old implementation? Is it so radically different from what you want to implement?

I'm wondering the same. Normally we don't remove code, since it may break existing users.
However I think our current implementation is so minimal that risk isn't too great.

Yes, although we referred to and followed the original implementation, we have made great adjustments to the overall implementation framework and test framework.

Implementation framework:

Now we use the internal ABI as a template parameter. And we use the template class simd_storage/mask_storage to define the storage type of the internal ABI, use the template class simd_traits/mask_traits to implement operations of the internal ABI. We put these template specializations of each internal ABI in a seperate header file. We believe that this will help to expand the internal ABI and to make target-specific optimizations in the future.

Test framework:

We also reconstructed the test code structure. Added a test framework to improve test coverage. Because most external user interfaces are related to class simd/simd_mask, we have traversed all possible data types and ABI tags combinations of class simd/simd_mask in related interface tests.

We have now completed the implementation of a stable version (Refer to this revision: This stable version included all external user interfaces except the Math Library. And added corresponding external interfaces tests. I hope that the code finally submitted to the upstream will be closer to the current available implementation. So it may be hard to advance on the original implementation. I prefer to remove the original implementation and build our existing framework from the most basic part. I plan to submit the follow-up implementation step by step In the next two months to completely cover all interfaces. I suggest we can consider to land all these patches together after they are reviewed and approved to avoid breaking existing users.

The synopsis should be updated as we go, to show what has actually been implemented. I am aware that this isn't the case currently, so let's fix this.

Let's keep the stable names. Section numbers are just a nightmare to maintain and will be wrong. At least they are everywhere they are used currently.

+1 Especially since these numbers will change if this is adopted on the Standard. Using the stable names gives a higher probability these references remain valid.

Could you remove all the declaration-only stuff in a separate PR? We normally don't have the interface declared if it's not defined.

Summary (correct me if I misunderstood):

  1. No declarations.
  2. Give synopsis of implemented interfaces only.
  3. Keep original stable names of sections without section numbers.

Yes, that's essentially it. I would suggest a patch that just removes everything from the header and the tests and then have a stack that re-implements the already-implemented stuff. Then the stack can be landed together. I think it would make sense to not implementing anything new in this stack between removing the implementation and having everything that is already implemented again, so it's essentially just a bunch of refactoring. On top of that we can them implement more of the interface. Looking at our current implementation, there is not that much implemented, so I guess the stack shouldn't be that large.


Yes, it's the more typical way, but AFAICT mostly for symmetry with _LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD. There it makes a lot more sense IMO, since that namespace actually changes depending on the configuration. That's not the case for experimental stuff. We also don't have _LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD_RANGES/FORMAT/etc..

@philnik @Mordante Thanks for your attention to this patch. I don't know how to reply to you all in the comment, so I wrote all replies here.

Thanks for working on this. Is N4808 voted in? I can only find a draft version.

It seems it is still draft. Should I continue to refer to this document, or which other version?

Ideally you would use ISO/IEC TS 19570:2018 which is the real Standard. Based on the editor's report N4809 [1] there should be no normative changes between the Standard and this document.


Thanks for working on this! Incidentally, I recently received a report that our simd implementation was broken in all sorts of way, and it's great to get it sorted out.


Is there any reason for not doing (formatted however you prefer):

namespace experimental { inline namespace parallelism_v2 {

? Then we could get rid of _LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_EXPERIMENTAL_SIMD_ABI altogether.


I would like to guard this whole header under _LIBCPP_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL. Users should use -fexperimental-library to be able to use the TSes.

philnik added inline comments.Feb 27 2023, 10:15 AM

That was basically the idea, just that I wouldn't bother with the versioned namespace, since it's unstable anyways.

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 502518.EditedMar 5 2023, 10:09 PM

Update the revision. Now it is a child revision of D144698. It includes following stuff:

[libcxx] <experimental/simd> Add ABI tags, class template simd/simd_mask implementations.
[libcxx] <experimental/simd> Add traits is_abi_tag[_v], is_simd[_v] and is_simd_mask[_v].
[libcxx] <experimental/simd> Add related tests.

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 502527.Mar 5 2023, 11:07 PM

Fix namespace issue

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 502534.Mar 5 2023, 11:53 PM

Fix transitive includes issue

philnik added inline comments.Mar 6 2023, 6:57 AM

I think it would be good to add a status paper, so it's easier to see what it already implemented and what you want to implement in a particular patch. I'd be fine with just having the big groups in it for now and split them up as we implement more. You can look at libcxx/docs/Status/Zip{.rst,Projects.csv} for an example.
This should be a good start:

| [parallel.exceptions], "Parallel Exceptions", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.execpol], "Execution policies", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.alg], "Parallel algorithms", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.taskblock], "Task Block", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.simd.abi], "simd ABI tags", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.simd.traits], "simd type traits", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.simd.whereexpr], "Where expression class templates", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.simd.class], "Class template simd", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.simd.nonmembers], "simd non-member operations", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.simd.mask.class], "Reductions", None, unassigned, |Not Started|
| [parallel.simd.mask.nonmembers], "Non-member operations", None, unassigned, |Not Started|

Please use the granularized headers.


Since this is all new code, please clang-format the whole file.


We have libcxx/test/support/type_algorithms.h to help with this kind of stuff.

Joy12138 added inline comments.Mar 8 2023, 10:27 PM

I added the status paper in D145652. I'm not sure if the naming and format are appropriate. Please help to review, thank you.

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 503690.Mar 9 2023, 1:24 AM

Replace includes with granularized headers.

Update status paper.

Joy12138 added inline comments.Mar 9 2023, 1:31 AM

I tried git clang-format HEAD~1 and it said clang-format did not modify any files.

Is there anything in this file that does not conform to the LLVM/libcxx Coding Standards?

Please mark comments you have addressed as "Done" to make it easier to see what you have already worked on.


git clang-format doesn't know this file is supposed to be formatted, since it doesn't have a file extension. You can (and should) remove libcxx/include/experimental/simd from libcxx/utils/data/ignore_format.txt. The CI then shows you what has to be formatted. It should also be possible to do clang-format libcxx/include/experimental/simd. That way clang-format knows that it's supposed to format this file.


I think we should define the aliases in the headers where the actual tags are.


This seems like something that might change from platform to platform. Could you add a TODO: make this platform dependent?


These should probably get their own headers. I guess the classes are not super small.


I think it would be easier to move this to it's own header, and then specialize is_abi_tag per ABI tag, i.e.

// traits.h
template <class _Tp>
inline constexpr bool is_abi_tag_v = false;

template <class _Tp>
struct is_abi_tag : bool_constant<is_abi_tag_v<_Tp>> {};

// scalar.h
template <>
inline constexpr bool is_abi_tag_v<__scalar> = true;

// vec_ext.h
template <int _Np>
inline constexpr bool is_abi_tag_v<__vec_ext<_Np>> = true;

Note that this also implements is_abi_tag in terms of is_abi_tag_v and not the other way around. Most people just use the latter, so we should avoid instantiating a class every time. This part also applies to is_simd and is_simd_mask.

Joy12138 marked 14 inline comments as done.Mar 9 2023, 10:34 PM
Joy12138 added inline comments.Mar 13 2023, 12:34 AM

In our design of the SIMD library structure, these specializations of the simd/simd_mask will not have their own headers. This is because the implementations are not divided by the ABI tags of the user interface layer, but by the internal ABI tags. These internal tags do not correspond one-to-one with the user interface layer tags.

Let me briefly introduce the current structure design:

We divide the structure into three layers, with the specific implementations in the second and third layers. Each layer uses the ABI tags corresponding to that layer for template specialization.

The first layer is the external user interface layer, which corresponds to the external ABI tags given in the specification, such as scalar, native, compatible, and fixed_size.

The second layer is the common internal implementation layer, which is platform-independent. This layer corresponds to the internal ABI tags __scalar and __vec_ext. The implementation of the __vec_ext ABI tag uses Clang vector extensions (GCC builtins) as the storage type and Clang vector operators and built-ins to implement vector operations. We have tested this on various platforms and confirmed that the implementation of __vec_ext can correctly generate SIMD instructions supported by the current platform. We believe this will be a common solution for all platforms and will also serve as a fallback when the platform does not support SIMD.

The third layer is the platform-dependent optimization layer. Since the common layer implementation can correctly generate SIMD instructions, we only need to use some unique platform features or instructions to optimize parts of the implementation with poor performance on the common layer. This work has not yet started, and we may use some platform-specific internal ABI tags such as __AVX, __NEON, etc. at that time.


Joy12138 added inline comments.Mar 13 2023, 12:35 AM

This seems like something that might change from platform to platform. Could you add a TODO: make this platform dependent?

These tags will not be platform dependent until the third layer work is started.


These should probably get their own headers. I guess the classes are not super small.

These specializations has no direct corresponding implementation. In the current implementation, they all indirectly correspond to __vec_ext, but this may also change in the future due to changes of ABI tags. So it seems inappropriate to put them all in vec_ext. h.

Joy12138 added inline comments.Mar 13 2023, 1:20 AM

This looks great, but there are often references to other interfaces in the implementation of traits. If traits are to be implemented in different ABI tag headers, we may need to add some declarations to the outer layer of these headers. For example, class simd/simd_mask will be referenced in the is_simd/is_simd_mask implementation. Should I use a new header (declaration. h) to add these declarations?

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 505721.Mar 16 2023, 1:22 AM

Fix clang format

Joy12138 marked 2 inline comments as done.Mar 16 2023, 1:23 AM
Joy12138 retitled this revision from [libcxx] Updated <experimental/simd> based on Parallelism-TS N4808 to [libcxx] <experimental/simd> Add ABI tags, class template simd/simd_mask implementations. Add related simd traits and tests..Mar 16 2023, 1:26 AM
Joy12138 edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 507237.Mar 21 2023, 10:39 PM

Adjust headers inclusion

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 507248.Mar 21 2023, 11:36 PM

Fix rebase error

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 511272.Apr 5 2023, 10:19 PM

Update test structure with type_algorithms.h

Joy12138 marked an inline comment as done.Apr 5 2023, 10:20 PM
Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 511294.Apr 5 2023, 11:57 PM

try cxx03

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 511338.Apr 6 2023, 2:33 AM

Move traits to separate headers.

Joy12138 marked an inline comment as done.Apr 6 2023, 2:35 AM
Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 511340.Apr 6 2023, 2:53 AM

Reorder includes

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 513524.Apr 14 2023, 3:46 AM

Fix C++17

@philnik Hi! I have resolved most of the comments and marked them as done. Comments that have not yet been marked may require further discussion.

Do you have any other comments? If not, I will continue to organize and submit the remaining content based on this patch. That may also contribute to the discussion of the overall framework.

By the way, does CI need to be fixed? CI errors do not seem to be introduced by this patch.

@philnik Hi! I have resolved most of the comments and marked them as done. Comments that have not yet been marked may require further discussion.

Do you have any other comments? If not, I will continue to organize and submit the remaining content based on this patch. That may also contribute to the discussion of the overall framework.

By the way, does CI need to be fixed? CI errors do not seem to be introduced by this patch.

The CI problems are unrelated.

15–23 ↗(On Diff #513524)

There can be a few more newlines throughout.


Then I'd like a TODO for this, just in case someone else continues the work.


Moving them into separate headers is for ease of maintenance and avoiding transitively including too many symbols.


You just specialize the traits in the header where the class is defined. No need to forward-declare anything.

Joy12138 added inline comments.Apr 18 2023, 10:38 PM

Sorry, my previous description was not clear enough. The main issue is that in our design, for more code reuse and more flexible use of internal interfaces, the structure of the external interface layer and internal implementation layer is not consistent. And template specialization does not directly occur on external interfaces such as simd/simd_mask classes.

We have designed four modules, SIMD/MASK storage type and SIMD/MASK operations, for different ABI tags at the implementation layer, which will be used by various external interfaces, including simd/simd_mask, where_expression and non-member functions.


// simd
template <class _Tp, class _Abi>
class simd {
  using _Impl    = __simd_operations<_Tp, _Abi>;
  using _Storage = __simd_storage<_Tp, _Abi>;
  _Storage __s_;
  simd operator+(const simd& __lhs, const simd& __rhs) {
    return _Impl::__plus(__lhs.__s_, __rhs.__s_);

// scalar.h
template <class _Tp>
struct __simd_storage<_Tp, simd_abi::__scalar> {

template <class _Tp>
struct __simd_operations<_Tp, simd_abi::__scalar> {

// vec_ext.h
template <class _Tp, int _Np>
struct __simd_storage<_Tp, simd_abi::__vec_ext<_Np>> {

template <class _Tp, int _Np>
struct __simd_operations<_Tp, simd_abi::__vec_ext<_Np>> {

Since the specialization does not occur on external interfaces, the external interfaces is now directly placed in the simd header. if the implementation of simd traits is to be placed in a separate header, a forward declaration is required, and if it is placed together with the external interfaces, it will also be placed in the simd header.

Do you have any better suggestions for the current code structure?

Joy12138 added inline comments.Apr 18 2023, 10:47 PM

In addition, most simd traits are platform independent, is it not necessary to specialize for all traits?

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 515604.Apr 20 2023, 11:47 PM

Add newlines and TODOs.

Joy12138 marked 4 inline comments as done.Apr 21 2023, 12:31 AM
This comment was removed by Joy12138.

@philnik Just ping for the above discussion.

philnik added inline comments.Apr 30 2023, 4:19 PM

I'm a bit confused what exactly you are talking about. Was this meant for a different thread?

Joy12138 added inline comments.May 3 2023, 6:56 PM

I'm sorry my description confused you. Maybe I shouldn't have put this content in this thread. I just want to discuss the overall structure and the use of template specialization. And they have some impact on the implementation of simd traits.

What I mainly want to express is that since we do not directly specialize templates on external user interfaces, there will not be directly definitions and implementations of such as
simd<_Tp, __vec_ext<_Np>>. It is basically composed of simd_storage<_Tp, __vec_ext<_Np>> and simd_operations<_Tp, __vec_ext<_Np>>. So we cannot directly define is_simd<simd<_Tp, __vec_ext<_Np>>> without forward-declare of simd class.

777ki added a subscriber: 777ki.May 16 2023, 9:08 PM
philnik accepted this revision.May 20 2023, 1:36 PM

LGTM % nits. (and sorry for being so slow in reviewing this)


Couldn't the static_asserts be inlined here? The CheckIsAbiTag* could simply be tag types.


This doesn't really seem with it given that it already just ex.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 20 2023, 1:36 PM
Joy12138 marked 7 inline comments as done.May 29 2023, 11:09 PM

@philnik Hi! We rewrite the tests. Please review it again. Thank you!

philnik accepted this revision.May 30 2023, 3:15 PM

The updated tests look really nice! Thanks!

You probably have to rebase on top of main to make the CI happy.


clang-format will be happy with this.


This is just integer_types, right?

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 527721.Jun 1 2023, 9:10 PM

Fix test format

Joy12138 marked an inline comment as done.Jun 1 2023, 9:21 PM
Joy12138 added inline comments.

No, it is not the same.

The first template parameter of the simd class does not accept input of bool type. And the vector type corresponding to bool type is defined by simd_mask class.

In "type_algorithms.h", integer_types has the following definition:

// libcxx/test/support/type_algorithms.h:98
using integral_types = concatenate_t<character_types, signed_integer_types, unsigned_integer_types, type_list<bool> >;

It contains type bool. And we need arithmetic types without bool to test class simd.

I encountered a problem in subsequent development that currently seems to need to be resolved in this patch.

In the previous comment, you suggested that I place all simd traits in a separate header file traits.h. During the process of adding the rest traits implementations, I found that most of them require the use of other interfaces placed in the simd header, similar to is_simd requires the use of simd classes. Therefore, I added declaration.h as forward declarations. However, there are too many interfaces that need to be referenced in the future, which is not suitable to add forward declarations for all.

I think there are two solutions.
One is to keep all external user interfaces under the simd header, just like our previous implementation.
Another is to categorize all external user interfaces into separate header files. No implementations in the simd header and only including other header files in order. Then we may need to add traits.h, simd.h, simd_mask.h, aligned_tag.h, abi_tag.h, simd_casts.h, where_expression.h, etc.
Which one do you prefer?

I encountered a problem in subsequent development that currently seems to need to be resolved in this patch.

In the previous comment, you suggested that I place all simd traits in a separate header file traits.h. During the process of adding the rest traits implementations, I found that most of them require the use of other interfaces placed in the simd header, similar to is_simd requires the use of simd classes. Therefore, I added declaration.h as forward declarations. However, there are too many interfaces that need to be referenced in the future, which is not suitable to add forward declarations for all.

I think there are two solutions.
One is to keep all external user interfaces under the simd header, just like our previous implementation.
Another is to categorize all external user interfaces into separate header files. No implementations in the simd header and only including other header files in order. Then we may need to add traits.h, simd.h, simd_mask.h, aligned_tag.h, abi_tag.h, simd_casts.h, where_expression.h, etc.
Which one do you prefer?

I think it's easier to gollow the code when splitting up the headers, so I'd go for option 2.


You show the implementation of integral_types, not integer_types ;-)

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 528756.Jun 6 2023, 2:40 AM

Rebase, and reorganize file structure

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 528759.Jun 6 2023, 2:46 AM

Use integer_types in test_utils.h

Joy12138 marked 2 inline comments as done.Jun 6 2023, 2:48 AM
Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 528768.Jun 6 2023, 3:12 AM

Fix clang format

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 528771.Jun 6 2023, 3:32 AM

Fix transitive includes in cxx26

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 528772.Jun 6 2023, 3:36 AM

Fix order in CMakeList

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 528778.Jun 6 2023, 4:09 AM

Fix transitive includes in cxx03 and cxx11

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 528806.Jun 6 2023, 5:25 AM

Fix transitive includes in cxx14

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 529149.Jun 6 2023, 9:17 PM

Fix transitive includes in cxx23

@philnik Hi! Could you please help me check the CI errors?

Last time it prompted me to remove the following statement in transitive includes of cxx23 and cxx26.

*** 174,179 ****

--- 174,180 ----




- experimental/simdcstddef




error: command failed with exit status: 1

But this time after I removed, it prompted me to add.

*** 174,179 ****

--- 174,180 ----




+ experimental/simdcstddef




error: command failed with exit status: 1

@philnik Hi! Could you please help me check the CI errors?

Last time it prompted me to remove the following statement in transitive includes of cxx23 and cxx26.

*** 174,179 ****

--- 174,180 ----




- experimental/simdcstddef




error: command failed with exit status: 1

But this time after I removed, it prompted me to add.

*** 174,179 ****

--- 174,180 ----




+ experimental/simdcstddef




error: command failed with exit status: 1

It looks to me like adding it is the correct thing. Do you know which bot didn't like the added line?

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 529497.Jun 7 2023, 9:19 PM

Add transitive includes in cxx23

@philnik I added it again, you can see the current CI errors.

philnik added inline comments.Jun 8 2023, 8:26 AM

This check should be done after including the detail headers.

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 530362.Jun 11 2023, 8:14 PM

Fix CI errors

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 530377.Jun 11 2023, 9:03 PM

Fix clang format

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 530381.Jun 11 2023, 9:47 PM

Fix transitive includes in cxx03 and cxx11

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 530387.Jun 11 2023, 10:56 PM

Fix transitive includes in cxx14

Joy12138 marked an inline comment as done.Jun 12 2023, 3:54 AM

@philnik CIs have passed. Do you have any other comments?

philnik accepted this revision.Jun 12 2023, 8:19 AM

@philnik CIs have passed. Do you have any other comments?

Nope, LGTM.

philnik added inline comments.Jun 23 2023, 6:28 PM

These shouldn't be _Uglified, since they are part of the test code.


This makes this part a bit more complex, but the recursion inside the tests isn't there anymore, making them quite a bit simpler.


It doesn't look like the F argument is ever used. Why did you add it?


I've applied for patch locally and reworked the instantiation logic a bit. This is my solution:

// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#ifndef TEST_UTIL_H
#define TEST_UTIL_H

#include <utility>
#include <experimental/simd>
#include "type_algorithms.h"

namespace ex = std::experimental::parallelism_v2;

constexpr std::size_t max_simd_size = 32;

template <template <std::size_t N> class F>
struct TestAllSimdAbiFunctor {
  template <class T, std::size_t N>
  using sized_abis = types::type_list<ex::simd_abi::fixed_size<N>, ex::simd_abi::deduce_t<T, N>>;

  template <class T, std::size_t... Ns>
  void instantiate_with_n(std::index_sequence<Ns...>) {
    (types::for_each(sized_abis<T, Ns + 1>{}, F<Ns + 1>{}), ...);

  template <class T>
  void operator()() {
    using abis = types::type_list<ex::simd_abi::scalar, ex::simd_abi::native<T>, ex::simd_abi::compatible<T>>;
    types::for_each(abis{}, F<1>());

    instantiate_with_n<T>(std::make_index_sequence<max_simd_size - 1>{});

template <template <std::size_t N> class Func>
void test_all_simd_abi() {
  using arithmetic_no_bool_types = types::concatenate_t<types::integer_types, types::floating_point_types>;
  types::for_each(arithmetic_no_bool_types(), TestAllSimdAbiFunctor<Func>());

#endif // TEST_UTIL_H
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14

// <experimental/simd>
// [simd.traits]
// template <class T> struct is_abi_tag;
// template <class T> inline constexpr bool ex::is_abi_tag_v = ex::is_abi_tag<T>::value;

#include "../test_utils.h"
#include <experimental/simd>

namespace ex = std::experimental::parallelism_v2;

class EmptyEntry {};

template <std::size_t N>
struct Test {
  template <class SimdAbi>
  void operator()() {

    static_assert(!ex::is_abi_tag<ex::simd< EmptyEntry, SimdAbi>>::value);
    static_assert(!ex::is_abi_tag<ex::simd_mask< EmptyEntry, SimdAbi>>::value);


    static_assert(!ex::is_abi_tag_v<ex::simd< EmptyEntry, SimdAbi>>);
    static_assert(!ex::is_abi_tag_v<ex::simd_mask< EmptyEntry, SimdAbi>>);

int main(int, char**) {
  return 0;

I think this version is quite a bit easier to follow. WDYT?

I've applied for patch locally and reworked the instantiation logic a bit. This is my solution:

// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

#ifndef TEST_UTIL_H
#define TEST_UTIL_H

#include <utility>
#include <experimental/simd>
#include "type_algorithms.h"

namespace ex = std::experimental::parallelism_v2;

constexpr std::size_t max_simd_size = 32;

template <template <std::size_t N> class F>
struct TestAllSimdAbiFunctor {
  template <class T, std::size_t N>
  using sized_abis = types::type_list<ex::simd_abi::fixed_size<N>, ex::simd_abi::deduce_t<T, N>>;

  template <class T, std::size_t... Ns>
  void instantiate_with_n(std::index_sequence<Ns...>) {
    (types::for_each(sized_abis<T, Ns + 1>{}, F<Ns + 1>{}), ...);

  template <class T>
  void operator()() {
    using abis = types::type_list<ex::simd_abi::scalar, ex::simd_abi::native<T>, ex::simd_abi::compatible<T>>;
    types::for_each(abis{}, F<1>());

    instantiate_with_n<T>(std::make_index_sequence<max_simd_size - 1>{});

template <template <std::size_t N> class Func>
void test_all_simd_abi() {
  using arithmetic_no_bool_types = types::concatenate_t<types::integer_types, types::floating_point_types>;
  types::for_each(arithmetic_no_bool_types(), TestAllSimdAbiFunctor<Func>());

#endif // TEST_UTIL_H
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception

// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14

// <experimental/simd>
// [simd.traits]
// template <class T> struct is_abi_tag;
// template <class T> inline constexpr bool ex::is_abi_tag_v = ex::is_abi_tag<T>::value;

#include "../test_utils.h"
#include <experimental/simd>

namespace ex = std::experimental::parallelism_v2;

class EmptyEntry {};

template <std::size_t N>
struct Test {
  template <class SimdAbi>
  void operator()() {

    static_assert(!ex::is_abi_tag<ex::simd< EmptyEntry, SimdAbi>>::value);
    static_assert(!ex::is_abi_tag<ex::simd_mask< EmptyEntry, SimdAbi>>::value);


    static_assert(!ex::is_abi_tag_v<ex::simd< EmptyEntry, SimdAbi>>);
    static_assert(!ex::is_abi_tag_v<ex::simd_mask< EmptyEntry, SimdAbi>>);

int main(int, char**) {
  return 0;

I think this version is quite a bit easier to follow. WDYT?

The solution looks great. It works well overall, but there's one aspect I believe could be improved. Since a basic simd need type and simdabi 2 factors, type will usually be used in most of the test functors. I intend to pass the type to F.

For clarity, I've made a comparison of the codes which you can review at the following link:

The solution looks great. It works well overall, but there's one aspect I believe could be improved. Since a basic simd need type and simdabi 2 factors, type will usually be used in most of the test functors. I intend to pass the type to F.

For clarity, I've made a comparison of the codes which you can review at the following link:

Sounds good to me.

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 535228.Jun 27 2023, 9:40 PM

Rewrite test

Joy12138 marked 4 inline comments as done.Jun 27 2023, 9:43 PM
Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 538512.Jul 9 2023, 11:27 PM

Add newline at end of file

Joy12138 updated this revision to Diff 554240.Aug 29 2023, 3:22 AM

Fix template variable style

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Sep 11 2023, 8:42 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.