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OMG! I just looked into git history and last edition of this line happened about 4 years ago. Am I doing it wrong?
I'm not sure if that is correct, as that doesn't fit the example (unless the example is wrong)
It feels like its saying merge if its an argument of a function (sort in this case)
sort(a.begin(), a.end(), []() { return x < y; });
The lambda is the argument, not that the lamda has no arguments? either way something isn't correct by making that change (either the description was wrong as well as the example or now the description doesn't match the example)
Seems like I have misunderstood it, after some test I'm sure that it means merge if its an argument of a function.
I think there are something todo to make the doc more clearly.
I don't think such typo can exist for 4 years so I think maybe I understand it wrongly. And it turned out that I do understand it in the wrong way.