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Add command line argument parsing to the Windows packaging script.

Authored by CarlosAlbertoEnciso on Sep 8 2022, 3:45 AM.



As discussed here:

Add a function to parse command line arguments: parse_args.

The format for the arguments is:
Boolean: --option
Value: --option<separator>value
with <separator> being: space, colon, semicolon or equal sign

Command line usage example:
my-batch-file.bat --build --type=release --version 123
It will create 3 variables:
build with the value true
type with the value release
version with the value 123


set "build="
set "type="
set "version="

REM Parse arguments.
call :parse_args %*

if defined build (
if %type%=='release' (
if %version%=='123' (

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CarlosAlbertoEnciso requested review of this revision.Sep 8 2022, 3:45 AM
CarlosAlbertoEnciso created this revision.

After this patch, we can introduce the options presented in on incremental patches.

hans added a comment.Sep 8 2022, 7:24 AM

Can you change the description from "Update Windows packaging script" which is pretty generic to something like "Add command line argument parsing to the Windows packaging script"?


I'm probably missing something, but for --type=release it seems like this would set arg_name to type=release? Or does it get split into the name and value in some way?

Or, it looks like the code would maybe work for --type release, but in that case the example above would need updating.

CarlosAlbertoEnciso retitled this revision from Update Windows packaging script. to Add command line argument parsing to the Windows packaging script..Sep 9 2022, 12:39 AM
CarlosAlbertoEnciso edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
CarlosAlbertoEnciso edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Sep 9 2022, 2:13 AM
CarlosAlbertoEnciso edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Update title, example and how to use the function.


I'm probably missing something, but for --type=release it seems like this would set arg_name to type=release? Or does it get split into the name and value in some way?

The = sign in the command line is interpreted as argument separator. The same for space, comma and semicolon.

--type=release and type release are splitted in 2 arguments --type and release.

hans accepted this revision.Sep 9 2022, 4:59 AM



Interesting, I did not know Windows did that.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 9 2022, 4:59 AM