The tileAndFuseLinalgOps is a legacy approach for tiling + fusion of
Linalg operations. Since it was also intended to work on operations
with buffer operands, this method had fairly complex logic to make
sure tile and fuse was correct even with side-effecting linalg ops.
While complex, it still wasnt robust enough. This patch deprecates
this method and thereby deprecating the tiling + fusion method for ops
with buffer semantics. Note that the core transformation to do fusion
of a producer with a tiled consumer still exists. The deprecation here
only removes methods that auto-magically tried to tile and fuse
correctly in presence of side-effects.
The tileAndFuseLinalgOps also works with operations with tensor
semantics. There are at least two other ways the same functionality
- The tileConsumerAndFuseProducers method. This does a similar transformation, but using a slightly different logic to automatically figure out the legal tile + fuse code. Note that this is also to be deprecated soon.
- The prefered way uses the TilingInterface for tile + fuse, and relies on the caller to set the tiling options correctly to ensure that the generated code is correct.
As proof that (2) is equivalent to the functionality provided by
tileAndFuseLinalgOps, relevant tests have been moved to use the
interface, where the test driver sets the tile sizes appropriately to
generate the expected code.