In the current BB placement algorithm, a loop chain always contains all loop blocks. This has a drawback that cold blocks in the loop may be inserted on a hot function path, hence increasing branch cost and also reducing icache locality.
Consider a simple example shown below:
A | B⇆C | D
When B->C is quite cold, the best BB-layout should be A,B,D,C. But the current implementation produces A,C,B,D.
This patch filters those cold blocks off from the loop chain by comparing the ratio:
LoopBBFreq / LoopFreq
to 20%: if it is less than 20%, we don't include this BB to the loop chain. Here LoopFreq is the frequency of the loop when we reduce the loop into a single node. In general we have more cold blocks when the loop has few iterations. And vice versa.
Overloading BranchProbablity for the purpose of computing ratios is confusing IMO. Why not just
const unsigned LoopToColdBBRatio = 5;