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[clang][dataflow] Add parameterized map lattice.

Authored by ymandel on Dec 29 2021, 5:10 AM.



This patchs adds a MapLattice template for lifting a lattice to a keyed map. A
typical use is for modeling variables in a scope with a partcular lattice.

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ymandel created this revision.Dec 29 2021, 5:10 AM
ymandel requested review of this revision.Dec 29 2021, 5:10 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptDec 29 2021, 5:10 AM

It seems unnecessary to deal with AST elements in the tests for MapLattice. I think testing it with integer or string keys would be simpler. Given that VarMapLattice is just an alias, I don't think it's necessary to add dedicated tests for it. What do you think?


The comment needs to be updated.


Remove the last underscore for consistency.


Please document the relation, the join operation, and the bottom element for this lattice.


Is (void) necessary? Is it a convention?

using namespace clang;
using namespace dataflow;

#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"

ymandel updated this revision to Diff 396565.Dec 29 2021, 1:09 PM

addressed comments

ymandel updated this revision to Diff 396570.Dec 29 2021, 1:43 PM
ymandel marked 2 inline comments as done.

update comments

ymandel marked 3 inline comments as done.Dec 29 2021, 1:46 PM

It seems unnecessary to deal with AST elements in the tests for MapLattice. I think testing it with integer or string keys would be simpler. Given that VarMapLattice is just an alias, I don't think it's necessary to add dedicated tests for it. What do you think?

Yes, excellent point. I've stripped all of that out and think its much cleaner this way. Thanks!


I wasn't sure which relation you had in mind, so documented the equality operation.


not necessary -- I'll sometimes do it when I'm ignoring a result. But, no need -- i dropped it.

xazax.hun added inline comments.Dec 29 2021, 3:20 PM

It looks like apart from the join operation the rest of the methods are simply forwarding to DenseMap. I was wondering if it would make more sense to make the framework support join as a free function (possibly using some custom type traits?) to avoid forcing the user to write wrappers like this.

ymandel marked an inline comment as done.Dec 30 2021, 5:32 AM
ymandel added inline comments.

Good point, but I think that these concerns are separable -- that is, how much forwarding we do and whether we should enable join an arbitrary types.

For the first issue, an alternative design here would be to simply expose the container as a public field and drop all the methods except for join. I intentionally left some abstraction in place, though, because I think that DenseMap is not the right container, its just "good enough" to get started. I think ultimately we'll want functional data structures, because the current setup forces an absurd amount of copying.

For the second issue, I'm open to the idea -- it would be like Haskell's type classes in some sense, but I prefer the design where the lattice's operations are grouped together as a unit. I think that we could fit it into the current design with some form of SFINAE-based discrimination on the lattice type parameter of DataflowAnalysis.

Given that, what do you think of just renaming this to DenseMapLattice and exposing the container field publicly? When we're ready with a better map lattice, we can add that alongside this one with a different name.

xazax.hun accepted this revision.Dec 30 2021, 9:28 AM
xazax.hun added inline comments.

Alternatively, I was wondering if deriving from llvm::DenseMap<Key, ElementLattice> would reduce the amount of boilerplate this needs.

I'm a big fan of the typeclass approach, so I'd be really happy if the framework supported something like that but it is definitely out of scope for the PR.

I think ultimately we'll want functional data structures, because the current setup forces an absurd amount of copying.


Given that, what do you think of just renaming this to DenseMapLattice and exposing the container field publicly? When we're ready with a better map lattice, we can add that alongside this one with a different name.

Since we do not consider this to be the final/definitive solution, I'm fine with either approach or leaving this as is.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 30 2021, 9:28 AM
ymandel marked an inline comment as done.Jan 4 2022, 6:00 AM
ymandel added inline comments.

Thanks! I'll stick with what I have for now, but ImmutableMap definitely seems like a strict improvement, so I'll look into that next.

Regarding the representation -- I think I'd prefer subclassing over typeclasses, but this sounds like a good discussion to have. It would probably benefit us all to have a issue component to track ideas like this. I'll look into the status of LLVM's move to github for issue tracking to see if there's a way to set this up.

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Jan 4 2022, 6:27 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
ymandel marked an inline comment as done.