Inspired by LLVM_DEBUG, but using environment variables rather than command line
Code can use ORC_RT_DEBUG(...) (if ORC_RT_DEBUG_TYPE is set), or
ORC_RT_DEBUG_WITH_TYPE(<type>, ...) (if ORC_RT_DEBUG_TYPE is not set. E.g. in
Debug logging is enabled in the executor by setting the ORC_RT_DEBUG environment
variable. Debug logging can be restricted by type by setting the
ORC_RT_DEBUG_TYPES environment variable to a comma separated list of types,
e.g. ORC_RT_DEBUG_TYPES=macho_platform,sps.
If we really need to initialize it here, we could skip the second atomic load in the common case that it's already initialized
Or to improve code size, initialize DebugState to Enabled and put a std::call_once in isCurrentDebugType to actually initialize it the first time.
We could also get away with load(memory_order_acquire) here instead of the default sequentially consistent. Or perhaps even load(memory_order_relaxed) if we're willing to accept a stale value of DebugTypes if there's contention during initialization.