We currently have a very useful page tracking our implementation status of C++ features (https://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html) but we have nothing similar for C. This patch adds the initial support for tracking this information. It's a work-in-progress.
Currently, the document is generated by hand from the information listed in the latest C2x draft (http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n2596.pdf for the moment) on the papers that directly impact the language (as opposed to library features). This means information is missing about all the C versions before C2x and it is missing the papers that have been accepted but not yet rolled into the working draft.
I verified the proposals that I believe Clang definitively does/does not implement, but I marked a number of papers as "unknown" because I've not had the chance to see what support we have for them yet. I expect the "Unknown" columns to dwindle as I get the chance to check their status more thoroughly. I also expect we'll add papers from C17 and potentially C11, but I am not certain I have the bandwidth to go as far back in time as C99 let alone C89. Once the status page for features is done, a future endeavor can add a DR status page.
Assuming that this status page is desirable to others, I figure we can commit the incomplete page and I can add information to it post-commit, as I have the time. One question this work did raise for me is whether we want to update the bug tracker to have specific C versions like we do for C++ (currently, we categorize by standard version for C++ and just use "C" as a catch-all for all the versions of C)?