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This is an example patch for a mechanical split that we should do for all algorithms before we start doing ranges:: algorithms.
Yeah, this is exactly what I'm doing, except on a bit more of a macro scale. I'll leave [alg.modifying.operations] in your hands?
I'd still like to see the long-term plan here: Would you have __algorithm/ranges_copy.h sitting alongside __algorithm/copy.h? Or would you roll them together into one header? (The former would proliferate headers twice as fast. But the latter would force all libc++ users of std::copy to depend on large swaths of <ranges>, so the former is the lesser evil.)
We're planning to include std and ranges algorithms in the same header. That's why there's no __iterator/ranges_advance.h.
But the latter would force all libc++ users of std::copy to depend on large swaths of <ranges>, so the former is the lesser evil.)
This is objectively false. Users can only obtain std::copy by including <algorithm>, which imports "large swaths of <ranges>" in both cases.
But the latter would force all libc++ users of std::copy to depend on large swaths of <ranges>, so the former is the lesser evil.)
Users can only obtain std::copy by including <algorithm>
@cjdb, you misunderstand what I mean when I say "libc++ users of std::copy." Today, std::copy is used by libc++ in these headers:
$ git grep -l '_VSTD::copy(' __bit_reference __string algorithm bitset deque locale random regex valarray vector
Whereas any part of <ranges> at all is included by only these headers:
$ git grep -l '<_*ranges' | grep -v ^__ranges ranges span string_view version
(where <span> and <string_view> include only enable_borrowed_range.h, and <version> is a false positive from a comment).
So, forcing all these libc++ users of _VSTD::copy to include large swaths of <ranges> would indeed be a tragedy.
(@ldionne, you understood my comment, right? or at the very least you understand it now?)
Fair enough; I did misunderstand, and I agree that is worth thinking about. I don't consider it to be tragic (our fine-grained headers minimise the surface area of what's imported), but I can see why others might.
If we really need to split certain things, I guess that could come down to a case-by-case basis.
Yes I do. IMO, the solution is to split headers not by their standard clause, but by what they represent logically. So, for example, we wouldn't put ranges::copy in __algorithm/copy.h, we'd put it in __ranges/copy.h (and similarly for everything else in ranges::). That gets rid of the issue.
But since we've been splitting by clause (which is OK too), I think we should go for __iterator/ranges_copy.h, or any other declination of that that does not bundle things from ranges:: with things outside of ranges::.