The Scalar class claims to follow the C type conversion rules. This is
true for the Promote function, but it is not true for the implicit
conversions done in the getter methods.
These functions had a subtle bug: when extending the type, they used the
signedness of the *target* type in order to determine whether to do
sign-extension or zero-extension. This is not how things work in C,
which uses the signedness of the *source* type. I.e., C does
(sign-)extension before it does signed->unsigned conversion, and not the
other way around.
This means that: (unsigned long)(int)-1
is equal to (unsigned long)0xffffffffffffffff and not (unsigned long)0x00000000ffffffff
Unsurprisingly, we have accumulated code which depended on this
inconsistent behavior. It mainly manifested itself as code calling
"ULongLong/SLongLong" as a way to get the value of the Scalar object in
a primitive type that is "large enough". Previously, the ULongLong
conversion did not do sign-extension, but now it does.
This patch makes the Scalar getters consistent with the declared
semantics, and fixes the couple of call sites that were using it
Seems unrelated to the patch? Also it would be inconsistent that this is removed here and not below. FWIW this is used to suppress -Wdouble-promotion warnings, so it does have a purpose.