The DAP is usually communicated over STDIN and STDOUT and thus lldb's
Debugger instance printing and reading from these files can cause
conflicts. However, if the DAP communication was set up to be done via
a socket then we can leave these files open as they can provide
valueable logging and feedback to the user.
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Buildable 42753 Build 43314: arc lint + arc unit
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lldb/tools/lldb-vscode/lldb-vscode.cpp | ||
1201–1214 | Test if this is a socket first so we don't open dev null is we don't need to: if (!g_vsc.input.descriptor.m_is_socket) { FILE *out = llvm::sys::RetryAfterSignal(nullptr, fopen, dev_null_path, "w"); if (out) { // If the input and output descriptors are STDIN and STDOUT then we need to // set the output and error file handles to redirect into nothing otherwise // if any code in LLDB prints to the debugger file handles, the output and // error file handles are initialized to STDOUT and STDERR and any output // will kill our debug session. However, if the communication is via sockets // then we can leave these open. g_vsc.debugger.SetOutputFileHandle(out, true); g_vsc.debugger.SetErrorFileHandle(out, false); } } |
Comment Actions
It would be nice if we could test this works as well. We would need to spawn the lldb-vscode manually and specify a socket, connect with a socket with the test stuff, and get able to get some output from it once the session is up and running. Something like sending:
`script print("stdout outut")
to the debugger console after we stop (note the leading backtick so it will not evaluate an expression, but it will cause STDOUT to happen). Make sure the session doesn't die due to the output, and make sure we get the output from the process we spawned in the test suite
Test if this is a socket first so we don't open dev null is we don't need to: