This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Mark @llvm.trap cold

Authored by vsk on Nov 9 2018, 9:45 AM.



A call to @llvm.trap can be expected to be cold (i.e. unlikely to be
reached in a normal program execution).

Outlining paths which unconditionally trap is an important memory
saving. As the hot/cold splitting pass (imho) should not treat all
noreturn calls as cold, explicitly mark @llvm.trap cold so that it can
be outlined.

Split out of

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

vsk created this revision.Nov 9 2018, 9:45 AM
hiraditya accepted this revision.Nov 13 2018, 5:32 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 13 2018, 5:32 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.