The '%tu'/'%td' as formatting specifiers have been used to print out the NSInteger/NSUInteger values for a long time. Typically their ABI matches (i.e. ptrdiff_t = NSInteger), but that's not the case on watchOS (ptrdiff_t = long, NSInteger = int). These specifiers trigger -Wformat warnings only for watchOS builds, which is really inconvenient for cross-platform code.
This patch avoids this -Wformat warning for '%tu'/'%td' and NS[U]Integer only, and instead uses the new -Wformat-pedantic warning that JF introduced in This is acceptable because Darwin guarantees that, despite the watchOS ABI differences, sizeof(ptrdiff_t) == sizeof(NS[U]Integer), so the warning is therefore noisy for pedantic reasons. Once this is in I'll update public documentation.
"unspecified" seems odd because it *is* specified, we just don't care. How about something like "NothingSpecial" or "DontCare"?