This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[test-suite] Added backprop kernel from Rodinia Benchmark

Authored by proton on Jun 1 2018, 11:03 AM.



I have added the backprop kernel from Rodinia benchmark to the test-suite. I will add other kernels from Rodinia benchmark as well but before that, I want to know your views on it. I have added it to the multisource directory because there will be some kernels from Rodinia benchmark which are multisource.

More specifically I want to know if it is okay to -
-> Initializing arrays using random function (with SEED of course)
-> Print every 10th value in reference output instead of the entire array (this reduce the size of ref output and may say incorrect output as correct)
-> Use md5sum of output as ref output as it will be very small compared to output but I am not sure if it's a good idea to use md5sum here as it has collisions.
-> Can some external library like "openssl/sha.h" be used to compute checksum?
-> Is there any other library in test suite which can help in manually computing and verification of checksum?

I would like to hear any other comment/suggestion that you may have.

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proton created this revision.Jun 1 2018, 11:03 AM


We can't rely on the stdlib rand() when verifying. You can include an implementation to use (eg MultiSource/Benchmarks/DOE-ProxyApps-C/miniAMR/glibc_compat_rand) so the output can be verified.

I'm unsure about a checksum lib in the test-suite, but the reference_output should be smaller.

Make sure to add [test-suite] to the title so that it is easier to find/filter for other interested community members, also you need to include Rodinia's license and mention it in test-suite/LICENSE.TXT


homerdin added inline comments.Jun 1 2018, 1:51 PM

Is this file executable?

proton retitled this revision from Added backprop kernel from Rodinia Benchmark to [test-suite] Added backprop kernel from Rodinia Benchmark.Jun 1 2018, 2:36 PM
proton updated this revision to Diff 149574.Jun 1 2018, 3:29 PM

Fixed "backprop.h" showing as exec.

Does Polly recognize the SCoP?

proton abandoned this revision.Jun 7 2018, 1:30 AM