Bug: https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34016 - Typedef enum part
Clang format does not allow the flag BraceWrapping.AfterEnum control the case when our enum is preceded by typedef keyword (what is common in C language).
Patch description:
Added case to the "AfterEnum" flag when our enum does not start a line - is preceded by typedef keyword.
After fix:
BreakBeforeBraces: Custom BraceWrapping: { AfterClass: true, AfterControlStatement: true, AfterEnum: true, AfterFunction: true, AfterNamespace: false, AfterStruct: true, AfterUnion: true, BeforeCatch: true, BeforeElse: true }
typedef enum { a, b, c } SomeEnum;
typedef enum { a, b, c } SomeEnum;