This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

(1) bring back support of dfsan into libFuzzer (2) introduce more dfsan hooks (3) introduce a bias in mutations towards locations found by dfsan (4) add support for taking input from static analyzer abouts hints to potentially buggy locations and...
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by farahhariri on Aug 8 2017, 10:39 AM.



...hook that with dfsan and libFuzzer to guide fuzzing towards those locations

Event Timeline

farahhariri created this revision.Aug 8 2017, 10:39 AM
kcc edited edge metadata.Aug 8 2017, 10:57 AM
  • I'd like to see some kind of design doc first (preferably, in a form of comment in e.g. FuzzerDFSan.h
  • Is it possible to split this patch into several (e.g. can go separately? )
  • does have to be in pythoin? Why is C++ less/not suitable?
  • tests are must-have
  • don't copy-paste code (e.g. lots of changes in FuzzerMutate.cpp seem similar)
  • try to put dfsan-specific code in separate file(s)
  • please obey the LLVM coding style
This comment was removed by farahhariri.