Take the following example:
class Int { public: Int(int n = 0): num(n) {} Int(const Int& rhs): num(rhs.num) {} Int& operator=(const Int& rhs) { num = rhs.num; } operator int() { return num; } private: int num; }; Int h(Int n) { return n; } Int f(Int n) { Int i; i = h(n); return i; } Int g(Int n) { Int i = h(n); return i; }
The call graph for this C++ compilation unit will omit the edge from f to h, but not from g to h. This is obviously an error. The reason is that when visiting the statements to build the call graph all call expressions are handled as leafs. In the example above f calls operator=, which is a call expression, but it also has a child call expression, a call to function h. However, this latter edge is not visited because operator= is handled as leaf and its child call expression is not visited.