This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

AMDGPU/SI: Add support for spiling SGPRs to scratch buffer

Authored by tstellarAMD on Feb 24 2016, 6:42 PM.



This is necessary for when we run out of VGPRs and can no
longer use v_{read,write}_lane for spilling SGPRs.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

tstellarAMD retitled this revision from to AMDGPU/SI: Add support for spiling SGPRs to scratch buffer.
tstellarAMD updated this object.
tstellarAMD added a reviewer: arsenm.
tstellarAMD added a subscriber: llvm-commits.
arsenm accepted this revision.Feb 29 2016, 5:09 PM
arsenm edited edge metadata.

LGTM. Can you add a test for this? We should probably implement the register limiting attribute now to make tests for this kind of thing smaller


leftover ->dump()

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 29 2016, 5:09 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.