This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Unify the target opcode enum in TargetOpcodes.h and the FixedInstrs array in CodeGenTarget.cpp to avoid the ordering dependence

Authored by DavidKreitzer on Feb 2 2016, 2:42 PM.



Quentin, is this what you had in mind with your FIXME's from r258333?

The one effect of this change worth noting is that PRE_ISEL_GENERIC_OPCODE_END no longer gets its own value in the TargetOpcode enum. I think that is harmless and probably desirable.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

DavidKreitzer retitled this revision from to Unify the target opcode enum in TargetOpcodes.h and the FixedInstrs array in CodeGenTarget.cpp to avoid the ordering dependence.
DavidKreitzer updated this object.
DavidKreitzer added a reviewer: qcolombet.
DavidKreitzer added a subscriber: llvm-commits.
qcolombet accepted this revision.Feb 3 2016, 9:54 AM
qcolombet edited edge metadata.

Hi David,

Thanks for doing this!
Yes, that was what I had in mind and that was on my todolist :).



This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 3 2016, 9:54 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.