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[indvars] Fix pointer IV expand type in genLoopLimit

Authored by wenju on Jul 24 2023, 11:36 PM.



This fixes a regression in 0766c1bd5c0e and restores the expand type
of pointer IV to before the commit.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

wenju created this revision.Jul 24 2023, 11:36 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJul 24 2023, 11:36 PM
wenju requested review of this revision.Jul 24 2023, 11:36 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJul 24 2023, 11:36 PM
wenju updated this revision to Diff 543840.Jul 24 2023, 11:44 PM
wenju edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
nikic requested changes to this revision.Jul 25 2023, 1:59 AM

Please update the patch description to clarify what the "regression" was (does it crash? does it miscompile? does it produce suboptimal code?) and how this fixes it.

Please also minimize the test case (do we need that huge global? etc), convert it to use opaque pointers and use

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jul 25 2023, 1:59 AM
wenju abandoned this revision.Jul 25 2023, 3:34 AM

The regression was an assert failure in IndVarSimplifyPass. The LIT is over-simplified and doesn't have the assert.
I just find out that the regression only exists in non-opaque-pointer mode. So this fix is not needed.
Sorry for the noise. I should have tested the opaque pointer mode.