This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[GlobalISel] Add translation support for vector reduction intrinsics

Authored by aemerson on Oct 8 2020, 12:23 AM.



In order to prevent the ExpandReductions pass from expand some intrinsics before they get to codegen, I had to add a -disable-expand-reductions flag for testing purposes.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

aemerson created this revision.Oct 8 2020, 12:23 AM
aemerson requested review of this revision.Oct 8 2020, 12:23 AM
arsenm added inline comments.Oct 8 2020, 7:01 AM

Drops other fast math flags

aemerson added inline comments.Oct 8 2020, 8:06 AM

Are the flags relevant after translation for these?

aemerson added inline comments.Oct 8 2020, 8:08 AM

I’ll propagate them anyway.

aemerson updated this revision to Diff 297014.Oct 8 2020, 10:48 AM

Propagate flags and update test.

aemerson updated this revision to Diff 297299.Oct 9 2020, 12:12 PM

Rebase and translate non-sequential fadd/fmul into the op + a scalar op.

arsenm accepted this revision.Oct 16 2020, 7:22 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 16 2020, 7:22 AM