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Fix SBTarget::Launch's stop_at_entry which is ignored

Authored by ki.stfu on Jan 29 2015, 2:47 PM.



This patch fixes stop_at_entry flags in SBTarget::Launch(). Currently this flag is ignored.
I'm not sure that this arg is required but we have to fix it if it exists.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

ki.stfu updated this revision to Diff 18994.Jan 29 2015, 2:47 PM
ki.stfu retitled this revision from to Fix SBTarget::Launch's stop_at_entry which is ignored.
ki.stfu updated this object.
ki.stfu edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
ki.stfu set the repository for this revision to rL LLVM.
ki.stfu added subscribers: Unknown Object (MLST), zturner.

Not sure why this was ever a boolean in the first place instead of just having the user specify it through the launch_flags which are already passed into the function. Maybe that's why it's ignored, since the argument is redunant because you can just create the launch_flags already to have eLaunchFlagsStopAtEntry?

Either way, I guess since the argument exists, might as well use it.

ki.stfu added a subscriber: abidh.

Not sure why this was ever a boolean in the first place instead of just having the user specify it through the launch_flags which are already passed into the function. Maybe that's why it's ignored, since the argument is redunant because you can just create the launch_flags already to have eLaunchFlagsStopAtEntry?

Maybe it's true. Actually I'd like remove this argument but I afraid we can't do it. (I mean we can't change public API because we should support the backward support, right?).

Either way, I guess since the argument exists, might as well use it.

Do you mean that it's accepted? Can you commit it if it's so?

zturner edited edge metadata.Feb 2 2015, 10:30 AM

Yea I will commit. At some point (probably soon if you plan to continue
submitting patches) you should attempt to get commit access

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.