removed some of the message that -ftime-trace prints out. Running large builds still prints out a lot of "Time trace json-file dumped to " messages which are not the normal style for clang and are not necessary for locating the trace file.
There are other options which create files but don't tell you where they've written them. For example, this command generates a time trace, an yaml optimization record and a dependency file but only tells you about the time trace file:
$ clang -c foo.cpp -ftime-trace -fsave-optimisation-record -MD
Time trace json-file dumped to foo.json
$ ls
foo.cpp foo.d foo.json foo.o foo.opt.yaml
Supplemented the command line reference to help users locate this file and updated which is used to generate ClangCommandLineReference and clang --help.
I am not a big fan of adding products in the in-product help.
If Chrome removes the feature or Speedscope goes done, we will still list that in the old version of clang.
Deprecated doc is more common and accepted.
I would remove this line and the next line and keep the doc.