This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[benchmark] Fix 32-bit build failure

Authored by kbobyrev on Sep 5 2018, 3:18 AM.



This patch applies upstream commit:

Tim Northover pointed out that benchmark build might be broken on 32-bit macOS. This commit by Roman Lebedev (lebedev.ri) resolves the issue.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

kbobyrev created this revision.Sep 5 2018, 3:18 AM

@lebedev.ri thank you very much for the patch! Should I wait for the Pull Request to be accepted and for the patch to land in upstream?

lebedev.ri accepted this revision.Sep 5 2018, 3:21 AM
lebedev.ri added a subscriber: t.p.northover.

Am i supposed to review my own patch? :) LG, i guess.
Note that it is not yet applied upstream, though the only thing that is likely to change there is .travis.yml

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 5 2018, 3:21 AM

@lebedev.ri thank you very much for the patch! Should I wait for the Pull Request to be accepted and for the patch to land in upstream?

Ah, commented too quickly. I *think* this can land right away.

Am i supposed to review my own patch? :) LG, i guess.
Note that it is not yet applied upstream, though the only thing that is likely to change there is .travis.yml

Yeah, my question is basically whether I should wait for it to be applied upstream and see if it indeed doesn't break anything. I can see Windows buildbot failure in the GitHub PR, but I have disabled it on Windows because of what seemingly is clang-cl stage 2 bug (

Am i supposed to review my own patch? :) LG, i guess.
Note that it is not yet applied upstream, though the only thing that is likely to change there is .travis.yml

Yeah, my question is basically whether I should wait for it to be applied upstream and see if it indeed doesn't break anything.

Done, feel free to land.

I can see Windows buildbot failure in the GitHub PR, but I have disabled it on Windows because of what seemingly is clang-cl stage 2 bug (

kbobyrev updated this revision to Diff 164034.Sep 5 2018, 7:15 AM
kbobyrev edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)


This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.