This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Removed analysis flag from SafepointIRVerifier pass

Authored by yrouban on May 18 2018, 1:52 AM.



Removed analysis flag from the SafepointIRVerifier pass.

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yrouban created this revision.May 18 2018, 1:52 AM

Please take a look.

Can you, please, describe the reason for this change?

yrouban added a comment.EditedMay 22 2018, 11:58 PM

This change is needed to freely add this pass using schedulePass() at any place in pipeline (even more than once at the same place). Analysis passes can be deleted by this call (see PMTopLevelManager::schedulePass()) and this can be misleading for developers who want expect the pass be inserted exactly at the play they need. There is no easy way to know if the pass is added or deleted. Essentially, SafepointIRVerifier is not intended to be an analysis pass.
Look at the other verification passes. They all are not analysis. Except the SafepointMachineVerifier which probably is the source of this mistake.

yrouban abandoned this revision.Jun 25 2018, 11:54 PM

the landed patch D47441 supersedes this one.