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[LNT] API: add Fields resource.

Authored by marxin on Mar 2 2018, 6:01 AM.



If you need to automatically generate some plots that group multiple tests, you can't do it without knowledge of fields IDs.
That's why I would like to add that. Note that the change requires documentation to be generated. Is it done automatically?

Sample output:

{"fields": [{"column_id": 0, "column_name": "execution_time"}, {"column_id": 1, "column_name": "compile_time"}, {"column_id": 2, "column_name": "score"}, {"column_id": 3, "column_name": "compilation_status"}, {"column_id": 4, "column_name": "execution_status"}, {"column_id": 5, "column_name": "size"}, {"column_id": 6, "column_name": "size_status"}, {"column_id": 7, "column_name": "md5sum"}, {"column_id": 8, "column_name": "count"}], "generated_by": "LNT Server v0.4.2.dev0"}

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

marxin created this revision.Mar 2 2018, 6:01 AM
marxin edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Could you add a test case to the api tests that make a request on this?

Could you add a test case to the api tests that make a request on this?

Sure, however it looks the test_api test is broken for me:

Can you please help me?

May I please remind a patch review.

marxin updated this revision to Diff 146544.May 14 2018, 12:42 AM
  • added new test-case

May I please gently ping that..

cmatthews accepted this revision.May 21 2018, 12:47 PM

LGTM. Thanks

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 21 2018, 12:47 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.