Initial commit missed sincos(float), llabs() and few atomics that we
used to pull in from device_functions.hpp, which we no longer include.
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Buildable 15288 Build 15288: arc lint + arc unit
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for v in 8.0 9.0 9.1 ; do /usr/local/cuda-$v/bin/nvcc -c -x cu /dev/null -o /tmp/null.o -arch=sm_60 -keep-dir=nvcc-$v -keep -v dump-func-sig nvcc-$v/empty.cpp1.ii -- -x cuda-cpp-output -nocudainc -nocudalib --cuda-host-only -ferror-limit=0 -std=c++11 > nvcc-$v/decls; dump-func-sig /dev/null -- -x cuda --cuda-path=/usr/local/cuda-$v --cuda-host-only -ferror-limit=0 -std=c++11 --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_60 \ |grep -v typename |grep -v curand | grep -v _Complex | grep -v fetch_builtin > clang-$v; done
dump-func-sig is a tool I hacked together which uses clang tooling to parse the files as much as it can and then prints out reconstructed function signature and it's location.
Ten do diff of clang-N and nvcc-N/decls with a lot of regex filtering for argument names, etc. No diff tool does good enough job, so I've missed few functions.