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[clang-tidy] readability-function-size: fix nesting level calculation

Authored by lebedev.ri on Jun 14 2017, 4:55 AM.



A followup for D32942.

Malcolm Parsons has provided a valid testcase that the initial version of the check complained about nested if's.
As it turns out, the culprit is the partially un-intentional switch fallthrough.
So rewrite the NestingThreshold logic without ab-using+mis-using that switch with fallthrough, and add testcases with nested if' where there should be a warning and shouldn't be a warning. This results in a cleaner, simpler code, too.

I guess, now it would be actually possible to pick some reasonable default for NestingThreshold setting.

Fixes PR33454.

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Event Timeline

lebedev.ri created this revision.Jun 14 2017, 4:55 AM
lebedev.ri planned changes to this revision.Jun 14 2017, 5:18 AM

Hmm, this is moving in the right direction, but now it invalidated (decreases the nesting level) too eagerly

wangxindsb removed a subscriber: wangxindsb.
lebedev.ri edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Ok, i really messed up the initial D32942 :)
Malcolm, thank you for bothering to report :)
This should be so much better.

lebedev.ri edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Jun 14 2017, 6:22 AM

I don't think this assert adds anything.


Comments are sentences, so start with a capital letter.

lebedev.ri marked an inline comment as done.

Fix spelling.


Yes, however the original if did have that check.
I think, having an assert here may help to not break this in the future.

Simplify it even further by moving the logic into it's proper place - TraverseCompoundStmt()

What do you expect for this?

if (true)
    if (true)
        if (true) {
            int j;

What do you expect for this?

if (true)
    if (true)
        if (true) {
            int j;

that it is equivalent to

if (true && true && true) { // 1
  int j;

This was the intent of that option. There is only one compound statement in your example. All the docs say that it counts compound statements

.. option:: NestingThreshold

    Flag compound statements ...

My coding standards require the {}, so while I may not agree with your definition of nesting, it doesn't matter.

My coding standards require the {}, so while I may not agree with your definition of nesting, it doesn't matter.

Well, seeing readability-deep-nesting.cpp in the issue, i suppose the definition might be adjusted to fit that too, to avoid having more than one check doing just slightly different checking...



Missing full stop.

malcolm.parsons accepted this revision.Jun 14 2017, 9:37 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 14 2017, 9:37 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.