This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[CodeGen] Use APInt::setLowBits/setHighBits/setBitsFrom in more places

Authored by craig.topper on Mar 14 2017, 6:37 PM.



This patch replaces ORs with getHighBits/getLowBits etc. with setLowBits/setHighBits/setBitsFrom.

In a few of the places we weren't ORing, but the KnownZero/KnownOne vectors were already initialized to zero. We exploit this in most places already there were just some that were inconsistent.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

craig.topper created this revision.Mar 14 2017, 6:37 PM
davide accepted this revision.Mar 14 2017, 10:06 PM
davide added a subscriber: davide.


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 14 2017, 10:06 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.