Diff Detail
Diff Detail
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Same comment as before about c++ / c.
If we have to use C here, you could use fread(stdin...)
Differential D27922
[libFuzzer] Diff 27 - [AflDriver] Update afl driver to use std::istream::read() instead of posix read(). AbandonedPublic Authored by mpividori on Dec 19 2016, 8:40 AM.
Diff Detail
Event TimelineComment Actions Same comment as before about c++ / c. If we have to use C here, you could use fread(stdin...) mpividori retitled this revision from [libFuzzer] Diff 27 - Update afl driver to use std::istream::read() instead of posix read(). to [libFuzzer] Diff 27 - [AflDriver] Update afl driver to use std::istream::read() instead of posix read()..Dec 21 2016, 8:50 AM mpividori edited edge metadata.
Revision Contents
Diff 81957 lib/Fuzzer/afl/afl_driver.cpp