This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[libFuzzer] Diff 26 - [AflDriver] Update afl driver to use std clocks instead of posix API.

Authored by mpividori on Dec 19 2016, 8:38 AM.



Diff Detail


Event Timeline

mpividori updated this revision to Diff 81956.Dec 19 2016, 8:38 AM
mpividori retitled this revision from to [libFuzzer] Diff 26 - Update afl driver to use std clocks instead of posix API..
mpividori updated this object.
mpividori added reviewers: kcc, zturner.
mpividori set the repository for this revision to rL LLVM.
mpividori added a subscriber: llvm-commits.
zturner requested changes to this revision.Dec 19 2016, 9:34 AM
zturner edited edge metadata.
zturner added inline comments.

I think we should put c++ headers after c headers. That said, There is no other use of c++ / stl in this file, and I wonder if that is intentional. Should wait for kcc@

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Dec 19 2016, 9:34 AM
mpividori retitled this revision from [libFuzzer] Diff 26 - Update afl driver to use std clocks instead of posix API. to [libFuzzer] Diff 26 - [AflDriver] Update afl driver to use std clocks instead of posix API..Dec 21 2016, 8:49 AM
mpividori edited edge metadata.
mpividori abandoned this revision.Jan 4 2017, 6:08 PM